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Thursday, December 14, 2006

Famous Street Art "Canvas" Has Last Hurrah
The New York Times reports, "Depending on your point of view, the hulking 19th-century brick building at 11 Spring Street in NoLIta [New York City], a former stable and carriage house, was either a stunning eyesore or one of the most famous canvases and lodestars in the world for urban artists. When those of the latter view heard recently that the building had been sold and would soon be gutted and converted into condominiums, they considered it the end of an era.

11 Spring Street is featured extensively in our film TO BE SEEN, which examines the roll street art plays in urban culture, commercial culture, and the art world. Additionally, THE CASE OF THE GRINNING CAT, a new Chris Marker film that looks at a street art phenomenon in Paris, opens theatrically on December 20.

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