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Monday, December 04, 2006

Lebanese Singer Brightens a Dark Time in Beirut
As reported in the New York Times, the legendary Lebanese singer Fairuz was performing in Beirut again at last. As she stepped onto the stage, some in the audience cried and others cheered. In recent days fears that civil war might return have swirled. All the while, Beirutis of every sectarian stripe seemed to agree on this: Fairuz must sing as planned.

In the Arab world, the emotional resonance this diva commands is difficult to overstate. From Damascus to Ramalla to Amman, Fairuz’ unmistakable deep, quavering tones echo remind people of the long-lost rhythms of village life and the longer-lost, golden years of peace.

Our intimate film WE LOVED EACH OTHER SO MUCH portrays the love Beirut inhabitants have for this diva. Their reminiscences, combined with Fairuz' songs and her story, provide a moving commentary on Lebanon's tumultuous history.

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