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Current Concerns: Films on issues in the news
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Monday, January 23, 2006

Held in 9/11 Net, Muslims Return to Accuse U.S
Hundreds of legal noncitizens were swept up in the weeks after 9/11, held for months in a much-criticized federal detention center in Brooklyn as "persons of interest" to terror investigators, and then deported. This week, as reported in the New York Times, one of them is back in New York and another is due today - the first to return to the United States.

Set in a bare room that functions variously as interrogation room, prison cell and home, our acclaimed film PERSONS OF INTEREST consists of a series of intimate encounters with twelve detainees and family members, who share their stories. Video Librarian gave the film, " * * * * (4 out of 4 stars!) Editor's Choice! Highly Recommended! Sure to generate intense feelings of shame, revulsion, and sadness... while also sparking fruitful discussion."

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