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Icarus Film
Distributing innovative and
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Current Concerns: Films on issues in the news
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Monday, March 09, 2009

A new and timely acquisition

As the words "foreclosure" and "credit crunch" are on everyone's mind and in every other news report, Icarus Films has acquired the documentary WE ALL FALL DOWN: THE AMERICAN MORTGAGE CRISIS, a clear and accessible explanation of what led to the current downfall.

Twelve months in the making, this film documents the evolution of America's mortgage finance from its origins in the 1930s to its recent degeneration into a nationwide pyramid scheme that sparked a global financial collapse.

The DVD is scheduled to be released by April 1, but you can pre-order your copy now!

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Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Obama and Clinton renew dialogue with Syria

The New York Times reports that the Obama administration is sending two senior officials to Syria to begin discussions with the regime of President Bashar al-Assad. Experts consider Syria to be the key to unlock some of the major challenges in the Middle East, including the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and Iran's nuclear threat.

SYRIA: CHESS MATCH AT THE BORDERS offers a close look at the country's history, geography and politics, and what led to its position as a major player and stake in the Middle East.

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