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Current Concerns: Films on issues in the news
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Thursday, November 15, 2007

Concerns Over Global Energy Production Levels
As worldwide demand for oil increses and prices continue to increase accordingly, energy resources are increasingly being used for political leveraging. As reported in the Washington Post on Wednesday, November 14, as governments gain increasing revenues from oil drilling, they also gain increasing bargaining power with the private companies who drill for the oil. This often forces production at below capacity as the private companies simply cannot afford to pay the prices asked by the governments with control of oil producing countries. Because of the decreased production, it appears that within a few years, as energy demand from developing countries increases, the supply will no longer be able to meet demand or the high prices will have to dampen the demand.

ENERGY WAR is a global investigation into the geopolitical dynamics of the world's oil supply. It explores how the governments which control most of the oil are wielding their power on the world stage.

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