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Current Concerns: Films on issues in the news
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Thursday, October 11, 2007

Calls for Burial of Lenin's Body
Yahoo! News reports that a referendum is being called for to determine whether the embalmed body of Vladimir Lenin, housed in a mausoleum in Red Square for more than 80 years, should be removed and buried. Since the fall of the Soviet government, top officials such as Vladimir Putin have been calling for consideration of whether the shrine to the Bolshevik revolutionary is appropriate.

FOREVER LENIN focuses on the reasons behind and the process of embalming Lenin as well as the maintenance required for the body and budgetary problems plaguing it today.

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Friday, October 05, 2007

College Paper Editor's Ethics Questioned Nationally
After publishing a vulgar comment aimed at President Bush in an editorial column in The Rocky Mountain Collegian, the paper's editor in chief, J. David McSwane was called to a formal hearing. As a question of free speech versus a violation of the paper's code of ethics, the incident is bringing national attention, the controversy even being covered in the New York Times.

A new documentary about a year of publishing one of the nations leading student newspapers, THE PAPER depicts challenges and issues facing college journalists from ethics to access to news sources.

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Tuesday, October 02, 2007

New Study on Link Between Happiness and Contentment
Shankar Vedantam in the Washington Post on October 1st discusses a new study concerning the effect of positive and negative events on people reporting being "generally happy". A high level of happiness, the article reports, causes an increase in expected happiness and thereby diminishing returns from positive events and increased disappointment in negative events. The article also discusses possible cultural links to attitudes toward happiness as well as genetic predisposition to this condition.

For more information on genetic and cultural links to happiness as well as further discussion on causes of happiness, watch
HOW HAPPY CAN YOU BE? by Line Hatland.

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