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Current Concerns: Films on issues in the news
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Monday, April 09, 2007

US Economic Policy Hinders Food Aid
As reported in a recent NY Times article, Even as Africa Hungers, Policy Slows Delivery of U.S. Food Aid by Celia W. Dugger, the delivery of food to starving people can take 4 to 6 weeks because government policy requires that all donated food be grown in the U.S. and shipped to where it is needed. This stimulates American agribusiness and shipping, but there are no provisions for emergencies like the current situation in Zambia where the UN's World Food Program that delivers the food to the needy is dangerously low in supplies. Those who are starving may die before the aid reaches them.

THE PRICE OF AID explores the relationships and policies that make up current United States food aid program. With interviews from Zambian officials, nonprofit aid workers and U.S. government officials, the film is an in-depth exploration of this continuing problem.

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Wednesday, April 04, 2007

The Bible Unearthed
Egypt's chief archaeologist Dr. Zahi Hawass recently took journalists on a tour of a newly unearthed military fort foundation in Egypt's North Sanai region. As reported by Michael Slackman in the NY Times yesterday, Did the Red Sea Part? No Evidence, Archaeologists Say, the find is significant because it is the oldest fort on the Horus military road and pieces of volcanic rock confirm an eruption in 1500 B.C. But on the eve of Passover, the reporters preferred to question Hawass about the veracity of the Exodus story which is set in this part of the world.

THE BIBLE UNEARTHED is a 4-part series that delves into current Biblical archaeological evidence and its correspondence (or not) to the ancient texts. Episode 2 of the series specifically investigates history of the Exodus. Of the series, Dr. Jim West of Biblical Studies Resources says, "A genuine work of scholarship as well as film art...These 4 episodes are excellent...It is the best done of all its genre that I have yet seen."

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