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Current Concerns: Films on issues in the news
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Monday, March 26, 2007

Mies Masterpiece in Dispute
Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, whose life and work are the subject of the award-winning REGULAR OR SUPER, is one of the world's most influential architects. One of his early and perhaps best known creations, the Tugendhat House in the Czech Republic, which has been designated a World Heritage site, remains at the center of a dispute between the former owners, a Jewish family forced to abandon their home in 1938 and the current owner, the city of Brno, over who will serve as custodian and see the house through costly but necessary renovation. A recent New York Times article outlines the arguments on both sides, though all agree that the precious monument to the modernist architectural tradition, which continues to deteriorate, is of the utmost importance.

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