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Current Concerns: Films on issues in the news
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Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Mafia "Boss of All Bosses" Captured in Italy
As reported in the New York Times and elsewhere, Bernardo Provenzano, the alleged boss of all bosses of the Sicilian mafia, was arrested near Corleone, Italy after 43 years on the run. Under the heavy hand of Mr. Provenzano , the Corleonese family dominated organized crime in Sicily for 30 years, and mounted an attack on the state that culminated in the 1992 murders of top anti-Mafia prosecutors, Giovanni Falcone and Paolo Borsellino, and their bodyguards, in separate attacks.

Our 2006 release EXCELLENT CADAVERS (U.S. Theatrical Premiere July 12) -- a powerful, mind-boggling documentary -- is based on the eponymous book by Alexander Stille about the Sicilian Mafia, Falcone and Borsellino. Their work galvanized public outrage as Mafia foot soldiers testified in court that they threw bodies into vats of acid to liquefy them. The violence they described was embodied by the no-holds-barred photographs of death in the streets, made by Letizia Battaglia, who appears in the film.

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