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Current Concerns: Films on issues in the news
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Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Japan's Constitution and Tension with China in the News

Are China and Japan on a collision course? An article by Wieland Wagner in der Spiegel discusses the recent increase in age-old distrust between the two countries . In the near future, the governing Liberal Democrats in Japan want to change the pacifist post-War constitution - and they have the backing of the opposition.

Through interviews conducted with leading thinkers around the world our New Release JAPAN'S PEACE CONSTITUTION explores the origins of the Constitution in the ashes of war, and the significance of its peace clauses in the conflicted times of the early 21st century.

In an online piece from the AP via Yahoo! News, the film's Oscar-nominated director warns of Japan military resurgence. Japan's plans to change its pacifist constitution could rekindle historical animosities in Asia and lead to another war in the region. JAPAN'S PEACE CONSTITUTION is thus also a reminder of the mistrust that still runs deep in much of Asia over Tokyo's militaristic past, and the potential backlash against any resurgence of that militarism.

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