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Current Concerns: Films on issues in the news
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Wednesday, August 31, 2005

The Ongoing Occupation of Iraq
For those who are trying to understand and perhaps teach about the intricasies behing the ethnic and religious tensions in Iraq, two First Run/Icarus Films Fall 2005 New Releases may become essential resources.

SHI'ISM: WAITING FOR THE HIDDEN IMAM offers valuable insights into the complex, largely unknown history of this small branch of one of the world's largest faiths, now a politically influential, controversial religious movement. And, in THE ROAD TO KERBALA, Iraqi-Canadian filmmaker Katia Jarjoura joins pilgrims on the 100-kilometer walk from Baghdad to Kerbala, and finds rare insights into the psychology of Shiite Iraqis, and into the growing turmoil of U.S.-occupied Iraq.

Monday, August 01, 2005

Iraqis Race to Finish New Constitution by Deadline
Facing significant obstacles and growing dissension, the head of the panel drawing up Iraq's new constitution announced on Monday that a draft would be ready by a mid-August deadline. "We can get it completed by August 15," Humam Hammoudi, head of the 71-member drafting committee, told parliament. (Reuters)

Ten years ago, another country with a violent history and ethnic divisions a similar situation. Filmed during the closing stages South Africa’s Constitutional Assembly, THE DEADLINE is an inside look at the realpolitik negotiations. As in Iraq, Tension grew as the deadline loomed, and cameraderie gave way to open antagonism, accusations, and counter accusations. A deadlock over outstanding issues continued until the final night, threatening to derail the transition to democracy.

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