Santiago Calatrava at the 2004 Olympics in Athens
In the July 18
New York Times Sunday Magazine, noted
architecture critic Herbert Muschamp writes about world famous architect Santiago Calatrava's contribution to the 2004 Olympic Games in Athens, Greece. Muschamp writes, "Calatrava, a Spanish genius of Parnassian accomplishments, has redesigned a sports complex that now embodies the tensile strength of athletes in their glory. "
First Run/Icarus Films has recently released the film
SANTIAGO CALATRAVA'S TRAVELS, which is truly a visual framework of remembrance, opening the door to Calatrava's associations or references in architectural and art history. The result is a tour of his oeuvre. The Swiss newspaper
Neue Zurcher Zeitung called the film, "An exquisite, beautifully photographed insight into the thoughts, working methods, and most important works of the well-known engineer architect. A fascinating visual delight."