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Current Concerns: Films on issues in the news
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Tuesday, October 15, 2002

GLOBALIZATION and the annual World Bank and International Monetary Fund meetings
The vocal street protests during the recent annual World Bank and International Monetary Fund meetings in Washington DC are the latest manifestation of the growing concern over the economic inequities brought about by globalization. For a critical look at the effects of globalization we suggest the following titles:


The economic development of many countries depends on an institution now fifty years old, the World Bank. Often criticized and blamed for politically unpopular policies, and confronted with numerous setbacks, the Bank is experiencing a difficult time with regard to which strategies to adopt, in particular in Africa. The film follows World Bank and International Monetary Fund decision-makers in Uganda, showing how top-level decisions are made in the field.


Focusing on Levi Strauss & Co., WORKING WOMEN OF THE WORLD follows the relocation of garment production from Western countries to nations such as Indonesia, the Philippines, and Turkey, where low wages are the rule and employee rights are nonexistent. Behind the new gospel of free trade are the real lives of women in the North and South and the film puts their stories into the larger history and development of globalization.

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